Sad and Comical

That was not hubris. That was not on tilt. That was not Fear. BUT that was I picked the stocks.
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Pure Alpha Do Happens!

Discipline is essential for success in trading, as it allows traders to avoid making emotional decisions and to stay focused on their long-term goals. The same old song with different names, where I try to correlate A to B. Remember, optimize the sizing, not the move. Volatility in your trading can be very emotional and emotions compete with discipline. That's why I avoid volatility like the plague. To the contrary, I trade high alpha with low standard deviation.
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July 2022

Can u believe that I’m not independent enough? I was looking for outside anchor.
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June 2022

As a hiring organization, be cautious of any interviewer that has an ego or attitude. The odds of you getting any good data from them is low. The name of the game is reducing bias, and that type has a lot of it.
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Startup Porn

Founders love reading startup porn. Founders can spend hours reading stories about how other founders became successful, and/or how they devised a perfect method to reach the top. But at the end of the day, it only adds marginal value. No one became rich by pasting post-its on a canvas model. People become rich by building products people love, and selling them. So just ignore the startup porn and go straight into building the thing.
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May 2022

Trading at a high level requires more than just mastering charts and fundamental analysis. It requires more than mastering position sizing and risk management. It requires mastering yourself. Minervini Your life is the result of what you think, feel and how you act upon those thoughts and emotions… not the other way around. Get control over your mindset, and you get control over your destiny. In 2020 – in the midst of a worldwide pandemic – I was about as nervous and unsure as I’ve ever been about buying stocks.
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Style Drift

Everyone wants to know where the “market” is going. If you’re a stock trader, it’s the wrong question. The right question to ask is: are there setups that meet your buy criteria and are your buys holding above your stops. Is the upside exceeding risk? This is how I determine when to get aggressive in the market, NOT when the market makes a low. saat terbaik beli GOTO 10 tahun lalu, etc.
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Not Letting Index Push You

What if indexes were never invented? How in the world would you ever trade? Think about it and you will get an empowering answer worth millions. If you would stop worrying about where the “market” is going – has it bottomed? is it going to top? – and using labels like bullish and bearish to dictate your trading, you may have a chance at actually finding the best names and trading them successfully.
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The Quality of Thinking

The quality of your thinking will determine the quality of your life AND your trading. Excerpt from Mindset Secret for Winning Book: AVOID BEING AN “AVOIDER” When I first started competing in shooting competitions, I was having problems with too many “mics” (misses off target). I realized with only 5 percent less mics, I would have won many of the competitions instead of coming in second, third, or fourth. By troubleshooting (pardon the pun), I found that those mics were causing me to lose; if I had erased them, I would have won.
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The Opportunity is There – All Year Long

Play the game like 12 innings. I have 12-months to achieve my goals. Plenty of time. Work correctly. Perfect not in trading but perfect in following my plans and perfect in discipline. Be prepared. So I properly in sync with the market. No index. No cryptos. Stock only.
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